1973年 大阪生まれ
1995年 関西大学文学部卒業
1999年 父、新歓嗣に師事、伊賀上野にて作陶
2002年 穴窯築窯
2008年 二基目となる穴窯築窯
2013年 伊賀焼伝統工芸士認定
-Continues his art activities at Igaueno, Mie Pref.
until the present
-Received a prize at 6th Contemporary Tea Ceramics
Exhibition Incentive Award in 2013
-Certified as Traditional Craftsmen of Iga ware in 2013
-Started Shino in 2009
-Built the second one hole type kiln (anagama) in 2008
-Built one hole type kiln (anagama) in 2002
-Studied under ATARASHI Kanji(his father) from 1999
at Igaueno, Mie Pref.
-Graduated from Lit. Dept. of Kansai Univ.
-Born in Osaka in 1973
大岩 智之
1977年 兵庫県神戸市生まれ
2004年 備前陶芸センター修了
2005年 隠崎隆一氏に師事
2014年 独立
2015年 兵庫県赤穂郡にて半地下式穴窯を築窯
2016年 初窯を焚く
OHIWA Tomoyuki
- Continues his art activities at Ako area, Hyogo Pref.
- 2015 Built a semi-basement one hole type kiln (anagama)
at Ako area, Hyogo Pref.
- 2005 to 2014 Studied under KAKUREZAKI Ryuichi
- 2004 Studied at Bizen Municipal Pottery Center
- 1977 Born at Kobe, Hyogo Pref.
1980年 兵庫県丹波篠山市生まれ、丹文窯4代目
2000年 大阪芸術大学短期大学部
デザイン美術科工芸専攻 卒業
愛知県瀬戸市 加藤裕重氏に師事
2004年 丹波、立杭にて作陶を始める
-Continues his art activities with exhibitions for making earthenware until the present
-Started making earthenware at Tanba, Hyougo Pref.,
Tanbungama in 2004
-Studied under KATOH Hiroshige at Seto, Aichi Pref.
-Graduated from Osaka University of Arts junior college majored in crafts course in 2000
-Born in 1980 at Tanba, Hyougo Pref. as the eldest son for the Tanbungama fourth generation
1970年 静岡県生まれ
1992年 明治大学建築学科卒業
1994年 明治大学大学院建築学修了
1999年 静岡県富士宮にて穴窯を築窯する
2018年 日展工芸部特選入選
Received prizes 16 times at the Japan Fine Arts Exhibition
-Continues his art activities in Fujinomiya, Shizuoka Pref.
until the present
-Received a special award at the Japan Fine arts Exhibition
in 2018
-Built a one hole type kiln (anagama) in Fujinomiya in 1999
-Acquired the Master of Architecture in 1994
-Graduated from Architecture Dept. of Meiji Univ. in 1992
-Born in Shizuoka Pref. in 1970
1952年 岩手県釜石生まれ
1972年 備前にて伊勢崎満、柴岡紘一両氏に師事
1976年 栃木県益子にて独立後登窯築窯
1987年 茨城県笠間市に登窯築窯し移る
1993年 穴窯を築窯
2009年 青白磁を始める
2011年 3度目の登窯築窯
2012年 釉薬物の登窯焼成を始める
-Continues his art activities at Kasama, Ibaraki Pref.
until the present
-Started works of glazed potteries by climbing kiln in 2012
-Built the 3rd climbing kiln in 2011
-Started Seihakuji(blue-white porcelain) in 2009
-Built a anagama (one hole type kiln) at Kasama, Ibaraki Pref.
in 1993
-Built a noborigama (climbing kiln) at Kasama, Ibaraki Pref.
in 1987
-Built a noborigama (climbling kiln) at Mashiko, Tochigi Pref.
in 1976
-Studied under Bizen artist ISEZAKI Mitsuru and SHIBAOKA
Kouichi four years from 1972 in Bizen, Okayama Pref.
-Born in Kamaishi, Iwate Pref. in 1952
1976年 奈良県生まれ
1994年 辻村史朗に師事
2000年 奈良県桜井市に築窯し独立する
-Continues his art activities in Nara Pref. until the present
-Built a kiln at Sakurai-shi, Nara Pref. in 2000
-Studied under TUJIMURA Shiro (his father) from 1994
-Born in 1976 in Nara Pref.
1965年 沖縄県宮古島生まれ
1984年 沖縄県大宜味村にて陶芸の道に入る
1987年 備前にて末石泰節氏に師事
1991年 独立
1999年 備前にて穴窯築窯
-Contitues his art activities at Bizen, Okayama Pref.
until the present
-Built a one hole type kiln (anagama) at Bizen in 1999
-Studied under SUEISHI Taisetsu at Bizen from for 4 years
-Began ceramic art in Okinawa in 1984
-Born in Miyakojima, Okinawa Pref. in 1965
1941年 岡山県備前市生まれ
-Continues his art activities in Bizen until the present
-Started his works while studing antigue Bizen (KOBIZEN)
-Graduated from Biology Dept. of Meiji Univ.
-Born in Bizen, Okayama, Pref. in 1941
1981年 三重県伊賀市丸柱生まれ
2004年 京都府立陶工高等技術専門校卒業
2005年 岐阜県恵那市矢作にて鯉江良二氏に師事
2006年 カリフォルニア エルクバレーにて
穴窯の制作 に参加する
2010年 自宅工房に新たに穴窯を築窯
-Continues his art activities at Iga city, Mie Pref. until the present
-Built a anagama (one hole type kiln) at Iga in 2010
-Participated in building a anagama in Elk Valley California
-Studied under KOIE Ryouji at Ena, Gifu Pref. in 2005
-Graduated Kyoto Prefectural Ceramic's Technical Institute in 2004
-Born at Iga in 1981
1979年 岡山県生まれ
1999年 備前陶芸センター卒業
祖父 竹村永楽のもとで学ぶ
2000年 祖父の登窯で作陶活動を始める
2015年 東京アメリカンクラブ
フレデリック ハリス ギャラリーにて個展
2016年 北京にて個展
2017年 大阪工芸展入選 (2018年も)
岡山県美術展覧会入選 (2018年も)
-Continues his art activities in Bizen, Okayama Pref. until
the present
-Received a prize at Osaka Craft Exhibition in 2017 and 2018
Received a prize at Okayama Pref. Art Exhibition in 2017
and 2018
-Exhibition in Beijng in 2016
-Exhibition at Frederick Harris Gallery in American Club in 2015
-Bigan his art activities in Bizen, Okayama Pref. using his grandfather's climbing kiln from 2000
-Studied under Eiraku TAKEMURA (his grandfather)
-Graduated Institute of Bizen ceramic of Okayama in 1999
-Born in Okayama Pref. in 1979
1947年 愛媛県松山市生まれ
1970年 立命館大学卒業
1973年 愛知県立瀬戸窯業職業訓練校を経て
1975年 三重県上野市にて築窯
-Continues his art activities at Iga, Mie Pref.
-Built a tunnel-kiln(anagama) at Iga in 1975
-Studied under TANIMOTO Mitsuo and
Yogyo Vocational Traning Institute of Aichi Pref. in 1973
-Graduated from Ritsumeikan Univ. in 1970
-Born at Matuyama, Ehime Pref. in 1947
The spirit of old Iga, its body born in these lands and the soul of whih transcends time gives life to that which I shape. (quotation from his personal history)
1975 愛知県に生まれる
1990 陶芸を始める
1994 唐津で修業
1996 鯉江良二氏に師事
2000 飛騨高山に築窯
2011 島根県松江市に移住
2016 唐津にて作陶を始める
-Started his art activities at Karatsu, Saga Pref.
in 2016
-Started living at Matsue, Shimane Pref. in 2011
-Built a kiln at Hida-takayama, Gifu Pref. in 2000
-Studied at Karatsu, Saga Pref. in 1994
-Started his pottery works in 1990
-Born in Aichi Pref. in 1975