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We feature both artistic and authentic Japanese potteries of Wood fired ware arts incl. Bizen, Iga, Oribe, Shino and etc.

やきもの 長縄



HOME»  うつわ Vessel, Plate, Platter»  No.6380 福島一紘 伊賀唐津三足付五寸角皿 16cm Iga-karatsu rectangular plate by FUKUSHIMA Kazuhiro

No.6380 福島一紘 伊賀唐津三足付五寸角皿 16cm Iga-karatsu rectangular plate by FUKUSHIMA Kazuhiro

16 x 16 x 4cm(H)
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  • No.6380 福島一紘 伊賀唐津三足付五寸角皿 16cm Iga-karatsu rectangular plate by FUKUSHIMA Kazuhiro

  • 販売価格


  • 在庫



  • 16 x 16 x 4cm(H)

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    福島一紘 陶歴
    1981 三重県伊賀市丸柱生まれ
    2004 京都府立陶工高等技術専門校卒業
    2005 岐阜県恵那市矢作にて鯉江良二氏に師事
    2006 カリフォルニア エルクバレーにて穴窯の制作に参加する
    2010 自宅工房に新たに穴窯を築窯

    Profile of FUKUSHIMA Kazuhiro
    Continues his art activities at Iga city Mie Pre. until the present
    Built one hole type kiln(anagama) at Iga city in 2010
    Participated in building one hole type kiln(anagama) in Elk Valley California
    Studied under Mr. KOIE Ryouji in Ena city Gifu Pre. in 2005
    Graduated Kyoto Prefectural Ceramic's Technical Institute in 2004
    Born in Iga city in 1981
