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We feature both artistic and authentic Japanese potteries of Wood fired ware arts incl. Bizen, Iga, Oribe, Shino and etc.

やきもの 長縄



HOME»  茶碗/水指 Chawan/Mizusashi»  No.4507 小割哲也 穴窯焼成灰被り志野刳貫筒茶盌(箱付) Wood fired ash covered hollowed style Shino chawan with artist signed wood box by KOWARI Tetsuya

No.4507 小割哲也 穴窯焼成灰被り志野刳貫筒茶盌(箱付) Wood fired ash covered hollowed style Shino chawan with artist signed wood box by KOWARI Tetsuya

12.5 x 12cm(H)

  • No.4507 小割哲也 穴窯焼成灰被り志野刳貫筒茶盌(箱付) Wood fired ash covered hollowed style Shino chawan with artist signed wood box by KOWARI Tetsuya

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  • 12.5 x 12cm(H)

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    小割哲也 陶歴 
    1970年 静岡県生まれ
    1994年 明治大学大学院建築学修了後
    1999年 富士宮にて焼物を学び穴窯を築窯する
    2018年 日展工芸部門特選受賞

    Profile of KOWARI Tetsuya
    Accepted 18 times to the Japan Fine Arts Exhibition
    ​Received a special award at the Japan Fine Arts Exhibition in 2018
    Continues his art activities in Fujinomiya, Shizuoka Pref. until the present
    Built a tunnel-kiln(anagama) in Fujinomiya in 1999
    Acquired the Master of Architecture in 1994
    Graduated from Architecture Dept. of Meiji Univ. in 1992

    Born in Shizuoka Pref. in 1970
