Phone 03-3792-3969

We feature both artistic and authentic Japanese potteries of Wood fired ware arts incl. Bizen, Iga, Oribe, Shino and etc.

やきもの 長縄



HOME»  茶碗/水指 Chawan/Mizusashi»  No.4125 今野春雄 登窯焼締陶 引出し茶盌(箱付) Wood fired ware Hikidashi chawan with artist signed wood box by KONNO Haruo

No.4125 今野春雄 登窯焼締陶 引出し茶盌(箱付) Wood fired ware Hikidashi chawan with artist signed wood box by KONNO Haruo

12 x 9cm(H)

  • No.4125 今野春雄 登窯焼締陶 引出し茶盌(箱付) Wood fired ware Hikidashi chawan with artist signed wood box by KONNO Haruo

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  • 12 x 9cm(H)

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    今野 春雄 陶歴
    1952年 岩手県釜石生まれ
    1972年 備前にて伊勢崎満、柴岡紘一両氏に師事
    1976年 益子にて独立後登窯築窯
    1987年 笠間に登窯築窯し移る
    1993年 穴窯を築窯
    2009年 青白磁を始める
    2011年 3度目の登窯築窯
    2012年 釉薬物の登窯焼成を始める

    Prorile of KONNO Haruo
    Continues his art activities at Kasama until present
    Started works of glazed potteries by climbing kiln in 2012
    Built 3rd climbing kiln in 2011
    Started Seihakuji(Blue-white porcelain) in 2009
    Built a tunnel-kiln(anagama) at Kasama in 1993
    Built a climbing kiln(noborigama) at Kasama in 1987
    Built a climbing kiln(noborigama) at Mashiko in 1976
    Studied under ISEZAKI Mitsuru and SHIBAOKA Kouichi at Bizen 4 years from 1972
    Born at Kamaishi, Iwate Pref. in 1952

