We feature both artistic and authentic Japanese potteries of Wood fired ware arts incl. Bizen, Iga, Oribe, Shino and etc.
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after sending it's estimation: yakimono@naganawa.jp
Profile of KOWARI Tetsuya
Accepted 18 times to the Japan Fine Arts Exhibition
Received a special award at the Japan Fine Arts Exhibition in 2018
Continues his art activities in Fujinomiya, Shizuoka Pref. until the present
Built a tunnel-kiln(anagama) in Fujinomiya in 1999
Acquired the Master of Architecture in 1994
Graduated from Architecture Dept. of Meiji Univ. in 1992 Born in Shizuoka Pref. in 1970
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Paypal invoice including shipping fee.
Please send us a mail: yakimono@naganawa.jp