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We feature both artistic and authentic Japanese potteries of Wood fired ware arts incl. Bizen, Iga, Oribe, Shino and etc.

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HOME»  酒器 Sake vessel»  No.2412 水谷渉 絵唐津ぐい吞 E-Karatsu guinomi(sake cup) by MIZUTANI Wataru

No.2412 水谷渉 絵唐津ぐい吞 E-Karatsu guinomi(sake cup) by MIZUTANI Wataru

6 x 5.3cm(H)

  • No.2412 水谷渉 絵唐津ぐい吞 E-Karatsu guinomi(sake cup) by MIZUTANI Wataru

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  • 6 x 5.3cm(H)

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    水谷 渉 陶歴
    1975 愛知県に生まれる
    1990 陶芸を始める
    1994 唐津で修業
    1996 鯉江良二氏に師事
    2000 飛騨高山に築窯
    2011 島根県松江市に移住
    2016 唐津にて作陶を始める

    Profile of MIZUTANI Wataru
    Continues his art activities at Karatsu in Saga Pref. until the present
    2016 Started his works at Karatsu
    2011 Started living at Matsue in Shimate Pref. 
    2000 Built a kiln at Hidatakayama in Gifu Pref.
    1996 Studied under KOIE Ryouji
    1994 Studied at Karatsu
    1990 Started his art activities
    1975 Born in Aichi Pref.
