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We feature both artistic and authentic Japanese potteries of Wood fired ware arts incl. Bizen, Iga, Oribe, Shino and etc.

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HOME»  酒器 Sake vessel»  No.2204 大西雅文 丹波唐津ぐい吞(箱付) Tanba-Karatsu guinomi(sake cup) with artist signed wood box by OHNISHI Masafumi

No.2204 大西雅文 丹波唐津ぐい吞(箱付) Tanba-Karatsu guinomi(sake cup) with artist signed wood box by OHNISHI Masafumi

7.3~7.8 x 5.2cm(H)

  • No.2204 大西雅文 丹波唐津ぐい吞(箱付) Tanba-Karatsu guinomi(sake cup) with artist signed wood box by OHNISHI Masafumi

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  • 7.3~7.8 x 5.2cm(H)

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    大西 雅文 陶歴
    1980 兵庫県丹波生まれ、丹文窯4代目
    2000 大阪芸術大学短期大学部デザイン美術科工芸専攻 卒業、 愛知県瀬戸市 加藤裕重氏に師事
    2004 丹波、立杭にて作陶を始める

    Profile of OHNISHI Masafumi
    -Continues his art activities with exhibitions for making earthenware until the present
    -Started making earthenware in Tanba, Tanbungama in 2004
    -Studied under KATOH Hiroshige in Seto, Aichi Pref.
    -Graduated from Osaka University of Arts junior college majored in crafts course in 2000
    -Born at Tanba, Hyougo Pref. as the eldest son for the Tanbungama fourth generation in 1980
