Phone 03-3792-3969

We feature both artistic and authentic Japanese potteries of Wood fired ware arts incl. Bizen, Iga, Oribe, Shino and etc.

やきもの 長縄



HOME»  酒器 Sake vessel»  No.1911 川上清美 登窯焼成 唐津焼締徳利(箱付) Wood fired ware tokkuri (sake bottle) with artist signed wood box by KAWAKAMI Kiyomi

No.1911 川上清美 登窯焼成 唐津焼締徳利(箱付) Wood fired ware tokkuri (sake bottle) with artist signed wood box by KAWAKAMI Kiyomi

8 x 13.3cm(H)

  • No.1911 川上清美 登窯焼成 唐津焼締徳利(箱付) Wood fired ware tokkuri (sake bottle) with artist signed wood box by KAWAKAMI Kiyomi

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  • 8 x 13.3cm(H)

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    川上 清美 陶歴
    1948 長崎県対馬生まれ
    1971 明治学院大学文学部卒業後、愛知県立瀬戸窯業職業訓練校を経て唐津、備前にて数年修業の後唐津へ定着


    Profile of KAWAKAMI Kiyomi

    -Continues his art activities at Karatsu until the present
    -Studied at Karatsu, Bizen during several years
    -Graduated from Yogyo Vocational Traning Institute of Aichi Pref.
    -Graduated from Lit. Dept. of Meiji Gakuin Univ. in 1971
    -Born in Tsushima, Nagasaki Pref. in 1948
